Our company policy for vending production services to your production is a very simple three step checklist.
Our payment terms are equally simple: we accept cash, checks, and all major credit cards.
After we develop a working relationship with you or your production company, additional billing terms may be available such as payment on completion of services rendered or Net 10 billing terms for you or your production company.
Please fill out our Stage Rental, Hired Crew, and Vehicle Rental Agreements below to speed up your first stage rental, crew hire, or vehicle rental with Stray Angel Films. You may download our agreements and send them to us completed and signed at your convenience via email or by using our encrypted submission form below.
Please use this secure submission form to send us your completed and signed Credit Card Authorization Form. We want to protect your sensitive data and recommend using this secure encrypted form to make sure everything is sent to us using maximum security compliant transmission best practices.
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